Spruce Up Your Bath Quickly and Affordably

Getting ready for the holidays? Anticipating a family visit? Or perhaps you are just sick of your existing bath? These are all good reasons to look into sprucing up your bathroom.

But what if you have to do it on a budget? Don't despair.  Budget doesn't have to mean "boring" nor should it mean "cheap." If we've learned anything in the last few years, it's that with a little ingenuity and creativity, you can often have a bath you're happy with.


Photo Credit: The Blooming Hydrangea via Apartment Therapy.com
Photo Credit: The Blooming Hydrangea via Apartment Therapy.com

Here are some viable options for refreshing the bath on the timeline you're hoping for and a budget you can afford.


Paint the room. Yep. Good old paint is still one of the fastest, most impactful and yet affordable ways to make a big change in any room. If you want to get ambitious? Consider adding paneling or shiplap to the walls to add dimensional texture.


New Hardware.  You'd be amazed at how much punch new cabinet pulls, a calcium-free faucet or fresh towel bar can add to a ho-hum room. When you do this, consider matching or at least complimentary accessories to create a cohesive, designer look.


Refinishing.  Tile refinishing is the equivalent to cabinetry refacing. Refinishing, or also called resurfacing, entails bringing the original luster and shine back to your tiles.  If you don't have the time or budget for a complete tile overhaul, and if your tiles are in good condition, resurfacing can be a great option.

Photo Credit: Joy Adores via Apartment Therapy.com
Photo Credit: Joy Adores via Apartment Therapy.com

Recaulk and Regrout.  Granted, if you resurface your tiles, this is usually included. But if you're looking at small projects to take on, without resurfacing or replacing tiles, then recaulking or regrouting your bath is another place where you can make the space feel fresher.

Tile, not Slab, Counters.  Yeah , we get it. Slab counters are awesome looking. But if your counters are really in desperate need, tile may be a good, second option.

Add shelving.  Additional shelving can be especially handy if you're expecting guests soon. Open shelving is fast, easy and stylish. It allows you to stack towels, provide extra individual sized soaps, and any extras your guests might have forgotten, like toothbrushes or razors, all within easy reach.

Improve the Lighting. It's amazing what lighting does for a room. Improving the lighting comes in two steps. First - look at the

Photo Credit: Cherished Bliss via Apartment Therapy.com
Photo Credit: Cherished Bliss via Apartment Therapy.com

lighting fixtures you have.  Second - and just as important - consider the light bulbs you're using. The new LED bulbs are more energy efficient, last longer and can still provide the brightness you need. Be sure, though, to change your thinking from watts to lumens: Use this handy chart.


Frame the Mirror. Depending the kind of mirror you have, this may be a fast, simple replacement, OR build your own frame with stained or painted wood (1x4 or even molding).

While not a total makeover, strategically picking the right options for you and your budget can bring a fresh look to your bath.


For More Ways to Spruce Up Your Bath, Check out:

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